affirmations, ancestors, beach, elements, essay, journal, peace, spirit guides, talking outloud, words have power -

Crazy Talk [essay]

Doesn't everyone talk out loud to themselves?  I'm not referring to daily affirmations or hyping yourself up before a big presentation.  I mean full blown conversations with yourself to yourself. It sounds crazy and it may look crazy but processing your thoughts thru your ears can provide clarity.  Where you perform this practice is critical. I prefer the beach where the soundscapes mask my voice from strangers and where I feel a stronger connection to my spirit guides.

Here are a few of the benefits of talking out loud to yourself at the beach:

  1. It can help you relax and destress. The sound of the waves, the warmth of the sun, and the gentle breeze can create a soothing and calming environment that is perfect for talking out loud to yourself. By expressing your thoughts and emotions out loud, you can let go of stress and anxiety, allowing you to relax and recharge.

  2. It can improve your mental clarity. The beach is a place of natural beauty and serenity, which can help you clear your mind and focus on what's important. When you talk out loud to yourself at the beach, you can vocalize your thoughts and feelings, allowing you to gain greater clarity and insight into your own mind.

  3. It can boost your creativity and problem-solving skills. The beach is a place of inspiration and creativity, and talking out loud to yourself can help you tap into those qualities. By expressing your thoughts and ideas out loud, you can brainstorm solutions to problems, generate new ideas, and unlock your creative potential.

  4. It can enhance your connection to nature. The beach is a place of natural beauty and wonder, and talking out loud to yourself can help you connect with the environment around you. By expressing your thoughts and emotions out loud, you can connect more deeply with the beauty and majesty of the natural world, allowing you to feel more grounded and at peace.


Whether you're looking to relax and destress, improve your mental clarity, boost your creativity, or enhance your connection to nature, talking out loud to yourself at the beach can be a valuable tool for achieving inner peace.  


P.S. The AirPods are convincing enough that you're on an emergency call with your therapist.

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