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big kids, essay, inner peace, journal, meditation, new day, peace -

The past couple weeks has presented yet another round of mass shootings.  Mass shootings continue to plague the United States, leaving a trail of devastation and sparking widespread debates. While the reasons behind this trend are multifaceted and complex, it is crucial to highlight one of the root causes. Mental health problems affect individuals worldwide, yet the United States faces particular challenges in terms of access to mental healthcare and support systems. Insufficient mental health services and stigmatization of those seeking help can contribute to a higher risk of violence. By comparing countries with stronger mental health support systems, it becomes apparent...

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born free, essay, inner peace, journal, peace, salt water -

As I reflect on my past and contemplate our future, let us look to the vast expanse of the ocean as a symbol of our journey. It is a gateway to our origins, and a path towards our ultimate destination - our home. In reconnecting with nature, we rediscover our inner peace and our true selves. We must reject violence and embrace the higher calling of peace, which requires a deep sense of humanity. In the face of adversity, we must not stoop to the level of those who would seek to harm us. Instead, we must rise above them and...

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activity, beach, inner peace, journal, new day, prompts -

We know that over time keeping feelings bottled up can physically manifest into serious illness. One simple and cathartic way to release festering anger is writing/ journaling.  Here are 4 journal prompts to help you find inner peace.   What negative emotions am I holding onto? Write down any negative emotions or feelings you may be holding onto, such as anger, resentment, or fear. Acknowledge these emotions and explore ways to let go of them. What are my fears and how can I overcome them? Write down any fears or insecurities you may have and explore ways to overcome them. You can...

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ancestors, bird, born free, elements, inner peace, poem, winged -

it wasn't until I was in the sky that I realized my wings and I was free to fly home

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beach, essay, inner peace, journal, palms, peace, spring break, spring fix -

Spring break is a highly anticipated time of year for college students. After months of hard work and stressful exams, students look forward to a much-needed break from the academic rigors of college life. While some students may choose to spend their spring break traveling or participating in exciting activities, it's important to remember the alternative of simply doing nothing. Relaxing during spring break can have numerous benefits for college students. Firstly, it can help reduce stress levels, which can contribute to better mental health and well-being.  Taking time to rest and relax can help alleviate physical symptoms of burnout, such as...

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